Dear Chelsea Elementary School Parents,
Happy new school year to all the Chelsea Elementary families. I hope you had a great summer!
We are beginning this school year with 312 students. The breakdown of students by grade has created split grade classes throughout the cycles. Our staff have carefully considered many factors in the placement of each student and we are confident that all students will receive an exceptional level of education.
On Monday, August 29th, your child’s homeroom teacher will either phone or email to introduce themselves. They will also let you know the meeting location for the first day of school, Tuesday, August 30th. Please have your child to school by 8:05 am. Parents can walk their child(ren) to the teacher on the first day. An announcement will be made shortly after 8:05 to
welcome students back and invite them into the building. Parents are asked to leave the school property at this point.
As in past years, we will explore monthly values as a school and these can be found below in the newsletter. Each month we learn about the importance of a value and at end of the month, at the Chelsea Stars Assembly, we celebrate students who have demonstrated the value. In September, we are exploring the value of RESPECT. This provides a great opportunity to reinforce the Chelsea school motto: Respect for all, By all.
The staff at Chelsea Elementary is a truly inspiring group of educators. I am pleased to welcome back all the teachers and support staff. New or returning to the team this year are Mme Sandrine (Kindergarten), Ms. Gable (Grade 1), Ms. Kaitlin Butler (Grade 2), Ms. Ramsum (grade 4 /5), Ms. Van Cleave (grade 6) and Ms. O’Brien (grade 6). We are pleased that Ms. Fumerton has returned as our resource teacher.
Our best wishes to Ms. Margaret who is retiring this fall; we will miss you Margaret! A warm welcome to Margit Pedersen, the new school secretary.
Please review the Upcoming Events section as well as the calendar at the end of the newsletter. Parents are encouraged to look for volunteer opportunities either through the Chelsea Home and School Association or directly from the school. I would like to thank the Home and School for organizing the upcoming Back-to-School BBQ for students, staff and parents!
The staff and I look forward to working with you throughout the year to help your child(ren) have a rewarding and enriching school year!
Andrea Gage
Principal, Chelsea Elementary